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How to target Weakfish

Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis,  are found along the Atlantic coast

from southern Florida to Massachusetts Bay.


The species undergoes a spring migration from offshore waters

of Virginia and the Carolinas to appropriate estuarine spawning

areas then a return migration in late fall to overwintering grounds.


Spawning, hatching, and early larval development take place in tidal

salt marshes during the late spring to October with peak production

during late April through June.


Generally, among migratory fishes, the larger individuals will return to

an estuary prior to their smaller counterparts. Weakfish exhibit a

similar behavior, as the largest individuals or "tiderunners’ enter

the bays in early May and spawn by mid-May whereas the smaller

weakfish, arrive later and reach peak spawning during June.


Methods of fishing


I’ve gathered information from various anglers via social media on the methods used to catch Weakfish.


Here I will attempt to describe what I’ve gathered.


Weakfish populations are very cyclical. Some years these fish can be very abundant followed by years of poor abundance.


The best opportunities to catch the largest fish occur during the early migration which is in late April and May. Please release these larger fish during this earlier period as they are spawning this early in the season.


After the early migration, the smaller fish begin to appear in abundance. The largest of the breed will start to move toward the inlets in June.


The structure in the bays and inlets should be points of interests. You should target structures like piers, bridges, docks and tidal flats.


Many anglers prefer outgoing water when targeting Weakfish, other anglers have experienced good fishing regardless of tidal stage.


Weakfish are sensitive to boat traffic so targeting them at night seems to be a popular time to focus on this species.


Weakfish, when abundant can be caught on most lures used for Striped Bass. Popular lures are bucktails in pink, red, yellow or white. Lead head jigs topped with whole sand worms, strawberry jelly worms, or rubber shads like a fin-s colored in pink or red. Salty dogs were a popular lure for many years.


Some fisherman who fish the inlets, suggest drifting a small live snapper or peanut bunker under a float. Use a 4/0 or 5/0 fluke hook and secure a float approximately 12" to 24" above your bait.


Here is an informative post on the subject of Weakfish, written by RichTrox for the community: Weakfish – What are the chances,…


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